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Clemson University Restoration Institute


Advanced Studies Education


Innovation Campus Fuels Education, Research and Innovation in Charleston

Seated in the heart of South Carolina's Lowcountry, Charleston has grown to become a leader in the tech field among giants like Silicon Valley and New York City. Known primarily as a tourism destination, Charleston is earning a new reputation, recently touting a tech economy that is growing faster than the national average — and just as quickly as Silicon Valley. Home to more than 200 tech companies, Charleston’s fast-growing tech hub is fueled by the young, creative talent flocking to the area.
As the state's leading supplier of engineers and one of the premier public colleges in the nation, Clemson University is positioned to play a vital role in encouraging the economic and educational growth of Charleston. Clemson's newest innovation campus in Charleston provides numerous platforms where students, researchers, and industry come together to advance the area's knowledge base in new, dynamic ways. With centers dedicated to research and education, and through established partnerships with leading companies, Clemson's presence in Charleston will fuel even further advancements for generations to come.

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